Luamara, Genki's new elder sister from Brazil, follows our flickr photostream when Angela was pregnant. At the first, we really don't know she is so young. She always gives praise to Genki, and makes the sweet comments on our photostream. She has two handsome nephews, Rhyan and Emanuel, and loves them so much. July 11 was her 17 years old birthday. We wish her happy in everyday. You can refer her blog, flickr for the detail. Genki has invaded two posts, Genki(flickr) and Little Genki. Luamara also promises that she will record a video for Genki. It's really cool to have a beautiful Brazilian sister! ^^
不知為何,小妞的 flickr 上有著一群來自巴西的粉絲團,其中的 Luamara,從貓大王懷孕時期就一直關注小妞,近期更是三不五時會來我們家留言稱讚小妞,讓當媽媽的貓大王心花怒放,猶如當星媽的感覺!可惜貓大王深怕自己的破英文會嚇跑人家,一直不敢跟人家交換 MSN 啦!7/11 是 Luamara 的十七歲生日,她有個小小的要求想要收小妞為『乾妹妹』,有個巴西的乾姐姐似乎非常的酷,等妞妞長大些懂一些簡單的英文(或是葡萄牙文),再來跟巴西姊姊通通信,相信對她來說也是種不錯的體驗(或是以後小妞轉往巴西發展 XD)。雖然大姊姊的生日已過,我們還是祝福她天天開心!